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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Mmiscool
#35685 Hello,

Added some options to the time function today.

You may now use the following options when requesting the time from the time function.
dow (Day of the week, ex. fri)

So for the year you would use:
Code: Select allprint time("year")

There is also the time set up function. This allows for setting the time zone and also can toggle daylight savings time.
To set the time zone to New York, (EST) you would use the following code. The 0 is to specify if daylight savings is to be activated.
Code: Select alltimesetup(-5,0)
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By Mmiscool
#35687 Added to documentation.
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By viscomjim
#35690 Mike!!!!! You are THE MAN. This is an awesome addition. Please don't stop your hard work. Believe it or not, your effort is greatly appreciated! Can't wait to try this out.

Really, THANK YOU!!!!

Just a suggestion... When you do your documentation, could you add one additional line after where you show the format of the code. Show a one line example of how it is used. This would clarify the exact format of use and would make it easier for new users to grasp. Just a thought and definitely not a critique by any means!

Very small examples really help the new user to "get it". I know I can't be the only one who is TOTALLY excited about what you have given us and the ability to use the esp that did not exist before!!!!
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By forlotto
#35693 WOW!

Never thought I would see that one...

Thx bud.

We should call this L337 Basic NoW :P