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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By viscomjim
#42066 Cwilt, I just tried a simple openweathermap test and the json parsing works excellent. Just find the name of the field you want. I did a quick test using this code...

Code: Select allcls
button "Click to check " [checkit]
button "Exit " [Exit]
timer 30000 [checkit]
WBString = ""
a$ = wget(WBString)
serialprintln a$

serialprintln json(a$,"description")
serialprintln json(a$,"temp")
serialprintln json(a$,"pressure")
serialprintln json(a$,"humidity")
serialprintln json(a$,"name")
serialprintln json(a$,"speed")
serialprintln json(a$,"deg")

timer 0
wprint "<a href='/'>Menu</a>"

You have to put your own api key in there and it will work great.
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By forlotto
#42079 Did anyone else get an eye blister ?

I saved my code all 84 lines and the damn thing was saved before I could even think about what to do next!


I hit save and all I seen was 84 and a box pop up saying it was done unreal.

If you upload a file it needs to be named default.bas.