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By cicciocb
#46131 HI Forlotto,
you don't need 2 chips, this was just an example.

A simple 595 is enough giving 8 more outputs.
As you don't seems to be very familiar with electronic, you can buy one of this
or this
or this ... Sw8lBTqTOz
and connect it to the ESP module and to the relay board.
As you see these boards are very cheap.
The code to drive it will be very simple, just few lines of code.
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By Electroguard
#46138 No forlotto, I was referring to what appears to be syntax-highlighting in cicciocb's browser edit window that you can see in the background of his youtube video.

Might be a grease-monkey script - but whatever it is, it looks useful, cos I am always having trouble trying to sort out the 'wood from the trees'... sort of techno-tunnel-vision - the more you stare at a page looking for a problem, the more it turns into one sticky mess of grey porridge!

These guys are doing an incredible job bringing ESP_Basic on in leaps and bounds (and this latest release has several very significant improvements), but no-one can do everything all at once, so the browser edit window is getting a bit left behind.

Imagine how handy it could be if you could see your var names highlighted in blue and your branch names highlighted in red etc... so knowing that matey is sharp enough to shave with, I thought it worth asking if that's what I might be looking at in the background of his vid! Doesn't hurt to ask, cos if you don't ask you don't get anyway!

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By heckler
how are you getting things highlighted in the Edit window

If you are referring to the red underlining that you can see on certain words in the edit window... I believe that is just the browsers spell checker. And for me it is irritating as it highlights even the correct basic statements because they are not in the browsers dictionary.

I am going to do some googling to see if it is possible to turn the spell checker off.

or were you referring to something else??

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By Electroguard
#46161 Wasn't clear enough for me to see what was on the screen in cicciocb's demo video, but I'd been thinking about the possibility of an offline editor for ESP_Basic that could use syntax-highlighting of vars and branch's and recognised instructions and for unmatched double-quotes etc, so when I saw he had high-lighted words in his browsers Edit window it caught my attention!

If I knew more about it, it might be possible to do something of benefit for the browser with Greasemonkey, but if I had time to learn something different I'd probably be better investing it in learning a Windows Basic that would let me do an offline utility which might be evolved to provide some useful offline checking features.

But it's just occured to me that perhaps the best route might be to try to do an ESP_Basic plug-in for an existing programmers editor like Notepad ++.
So gonna take a quick peek at that possibility now...

... hmm, well a notepad++ plugin is certainly possible, but I have doubts that I'd be up to it!