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Re: Serial port connect to pic mcu?

PostPosted: Fri Feb 26, 2016 10:38 pm
by forlotto
This project could easily be eclipsed by an android or even windows 10 tablet, and for way less money and effort.

Ermmm I don't think it could be done in the same manner.

I presume this way is a lot less costly for instance it is a rather simple task that really should only need a simple processor imagine what NASA used to put people on the moon is it really a requirement to have more than that to me it is interesting how the older generation of programmers made so much happen with such little resources. These days it seems like there is too many resources being used for simplistic tasks that just is not needed.

The value of the education of hands on with something like this doing with an android wouldn't begin to scratch the surface in terms of learning. Most people would resort to bluetooth speakers with a tablet for instance yes it works but no where near as involved.

I think there is an art to creation and even the easy creations are cool but this surely ranks above the common in the know run of the mill development while you get the same effect you have an overpowered rig preforming a task that should be handled by something with much less resources ... Save some water for the fishes aye :P

But to be frank I may take the over powered rig end just so I could watch movies as well on my old school looking radio heh if it was strictly radio as in your case it just makes since a bit more difficult a lot more cheaper and a longer lasting project that will give you the smile of satisfaction upon completion a one of a kind device.