Place to put your Basic demos and examples

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By forlotto
#33817 Wow basic is somewhat like the sledgehammer it allows you to use most everything.
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By tayfun
#35755 How to using this code, i cant use esp basic with

Code: Select all<HTML>
<TITLE>Crunchify - Refresh Div without Reloading Page</TITLE>
<style type="text/css">
body {
<script type="text/javascript"
            function() {
                setInterval(function() {
                    var randomnumber = Math.floor(Math.random() * 100);
                            'I am getting refreshed every 3 seconds..! Random Number ==> '
                                    + randomnumber);
                }, 3000);
    <div id="show" align="center"></div>
    <div align="center">
            by <a href=""></a>
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By forlotto
#35763 errr why not just:

Save this as a webpage
Upload it using the file manager
Then open the file?

Otherwise you could just print all of it...
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By tayfun
#35766 yes this code normally working, i want to use realtime showing any variable on the web page but! i dont want to refresh all web page, want to only my variable refresh.

Code: Select allmemclear
timer 1000 [branch]

wprint "<html>"
wprint "<head>"
wprint "<meta http-equiv=Content-Language content=tr>"
wprint "<meta http-equiv=Content-Type content=text/html; charset=windows-1254>"
wprint "<meta http-equiv=refresh content=5>"
wprint "<title>DENEMEEEEEEE</title>"
wprint "</head>"
wprint "<body>"
wprint "<p><b><font color="blue" size=7>DENEMEEEEEEE</font></b></p>"
wprint htmlvar(ADCin)
wprint "</body>"
wprint "</html>"

button Exit [TestExit]
timer 0

gosub readdata

ADCin = ADCin + 1

how to updare only my ADCin variable, not resfresh all page!