Place to put your Basic demos and examples

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Mmiscool
Code: Select allprint "Some Graphics"
graphics 500 500


line 10 10 150 150 1
circle 75 100 2
rect 200 200 25 50 3
ellipse 400 400 20 50 4
button "Exit" [getMeOutOfHere]

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By flywire
#61544 Running on the LoLin NodeMcu V3 Dev Board running ESP Basic 3.0.Alpha 66.

Code: Select allSome Graphics
Error at line 3: Failed to reach end of input expression, likely malformed input
Error at line 7: Failed to reach end of input expression, likely malformed input
Error at line 8: Failed to reach end of input expression, likely malformed input
Error at line 9: Failed to reach end of input expression, likely malformed input
Error at line 10: Failed to reach end of input expression, likely malformed input
Error at line 12: The arguments must be 2!
Error at line 12: Halted

Commas are missing in the original code. Fixed below:

Code: Select allprint "Some Graphics"
graphics 500, 500


line 10, 10, 150, 150, 1
circle 75, 100, 2
rect 200, 200, 25, 50, 3
ellipse 400, 400, 20, 50, 4
button "Exit", [getMeOutOfHere]
