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PostPosted: Tue Sep 08, 2015 11:48 am
by erniatbas
Hi Mmiscool,
this is great work! I tried your Basic Flasher and had a running program within 30 Minutes.
There was a little hiccup in the loading and saving of programs, but I got around that.
You are making the IoT very accessible for people like me, who just don't want to go into the depth of heavy duty programming languages.
Please carry on! I am sure you will find a large community looking for a simple programming language to work with the ESP.

Re: Thanks

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 3:02 pm
by kingedem
Hi Michael, I feel so glad to come across your website esp8266basic. Thanks for building basic interpreter.

Please guid me how I should make module connect to my home router and then send data through mobile browser?

Re: Thanks

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 6:58 pm
by Mmiscool
Once the module is flashed and rebooted it should create an access point labeled "ESP".

Connect to that access point and in your browser go to

There should be a link at the top that says settings. On this page you can set the access point name and password to connect to. Note that the network name is case sensitive.

You can also instruct the device to connect to a network or create an access point from within basic it self. An example on how to do this is located here.

http://www.esp8266basic.com/wifi-statio ... mples.html

Also some thing to note is that if your module was previously configured for auto reconnect you can find its ip address by connecting it to a serial terminal @9600 baud and restarting the module. It will attempt to reconnect to the last network and if it fails will start ap mode. If it connect it will spit out its ip address.

If you could explain what you mean by connect to a mobile browser. I have used my android phone to talk with and edit programs on the device. I would not anticipate any problems with this.

Re: Thanks

PostPosted: Thu Sep 17, 2015 11:03 pm
by kingedem
I have purchased esp8266 EP-12 module and it has more GPIO, 1 ADC, 1PWM.
Does your firmware work in that? Will I be able to use all GPIO and adc, pwm?