Place to put your Basic demos and examples

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By forlotto
#30994 Hey MMiscool,

Just curious when you did your live demo and you ran your esp in an Iframe did you have dynamicdns setup on the nodemcu or did you just use the direct IP of the device?

It actually worked relatively smooth is why I ask.
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By Mmiscool
#30998 I use for my dydns.

The program that updates the dns record runs on one of my computers here and as a result my external ip address and be accessed as a nice static domain name.

I think i might run another live demo this week end.
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By forlotto
#31054 ahhh yes I recall using noip duc when I had 56k dialup and cable years back for sharing information they were a free service the duc was interesting because it directly sent changes of your IP any time you changed you could use like for instance so your wan ip was updated with alt dns or dynamic dns which functions as a name server to give you the url. All of which I know you are likely aware of no doubt but possibly others may not. There are a few services like that out there these days.

So do you run your DUC on another PC to give your Domain Name to your IP or do you somehow just manually update it on there website (If the option is even available would be handy but could also be used to unknowingly tie someones IP to a domain without them knowing per say) or do you some how point your esp to NOIP?

And for the record if this works using your WAN IP to access the device remotely should work as well with a server I port 80 I presume while it may or may not give the same privacy.

Do you know if there is any layer of privacy that noip provides if someone actually has the domain name could they not just do a reverse lookup on the donmain for instance and see your IP anyways? I realize this would stop most lazy people indeed but, I find people who want your IP for whatever reason are not normally lazy.

For me there is no reason other than privacy to use this due to my IP staying the same for a fair period of time.

Couldn't resist allows you to lookup anyone using no-ip so ... I suppose privacy is really not an option with no-ip unless you are connecting through a proxy or using some other method in the middle that uses noip .

Possibly you could hide the information of an Iframe using PHP or something I really didn't view source I just assumed it was an iframe otherwise I would not be asking the question lol but thank you for the response.
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By Mmiscool
#31060 The iframe was simply added to make it so that you could see the video and the ESP at the same time.

As to privacy there is no cloaking or weird stuff happening with the wan ip address. If you ping the host you will find the ip address. The ip will change if I reset my modem and because of the no-ip duc it will update the DNS records to point at the correct ip.

IF you are using an esp in an environment to control things around your house My suggestion would be as follows to make it as secure as possible.

Have 2 routers. I that is connected to the internet and a server. the other that is not connected to the internet but is connected to that same server.

Use the server to create an interface for the things in your house and have the server call to the ESP devices that are in the secure non internet connected network as shown in the attached picture.
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