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file io How to use
Thu Nov 05, 2015 9:05 pm
by xtal
Looking at read/write I'm confused....
#1 I assume I can use file manager to save a file 123.txt
#2 How would I read data from the file I see no file open?
The data is the wprint <data>
I need to save some memory if possible so think I can store the wprint data in flash
read it into a var then WPRINT |var| or will it all need to be WPRINT |htmlvar(var)|
Re: file io How to use
Fri Nov 06, 2015 6:41 am
by GengusKahn
Hi there,
This is for the Arduino IDE but the principle is the same....hope this is of use.......
Reading from a File........
Code: Select all else if(sPath=="/table")
client.println("HTTP/1.1 200 OK");
client.println("Content-Type: text/html");
client.println("Connection: close");
client.println("<!DOCTYPE HTML>");
client.print("<html><head><title>Environmental Data Logger</title></head><body>");
client.print("<font color=\"#000000\"><body bgcolor=\"#d0d0f0\">");
client.print("<meta name=\"viewport\" content=\"width=device-width, initial-scale=1.0, user-scalable=yes\">");
client.print("<h1>Environment Monitor<BR>Data Log </h1>");
client.print("<FONT SIZE=+1><a href=\"/\">Sensor Gauges Page</a><BR><a href=\"/graph\">Sensor Graph Page</a><BR><a href=\"/diag\">Diagnostic Page</a><BR><a href=\"/lcd\">LCD TEXT Display Page</a><BR>Sample Interval Approx. 60 Seconds<BR>");
File logF ="/humidlog.CSV", "r");
if (!logF) {
lcd.print("rOr humidlog.CSV");
String sTable; //Constructed string to print, if math is to be performed on readings
// //This should be done prior to string conversion at saving to file.
String DsTable; //Discarded characters used to seperate the data into single readings
sTable = "<table style=\"width:100%\"><tr><th>Time / GMT</th><th>Date </th><th>IntT °C</th><th>IntHum %</th></tr>";
sTable += "<style>table, th, td {border: 2px solid black; border-collapse: collapse;} th, td {padding: 5px;} th {text-align: left;}</style><tr><td>";
DsTable = logF.readStringUntil('\'');
while(logF.available()) {
sTable += logF.readStringUntil('-');
sTable += "</td><td>";
sTable += logF.readStringUntil('\'');
sTable += "</td><td>";
DsTable = logF.readStringUntil(',');
sTable += logF.readStringUntil(',');
sTable += "</td><td>";
sTable += logF.readStringUntil(']');
DsTable = logF.readStringUntil('\'');
sTable = "<tr><td>";
client.print("<FONT SIZE=-1><BR><FONT SIZE=-2>ESP8266 With 1602 I2C LCD, DS1307 and DHT22 Peripherals Logging to SPIFFS<BR><FONT SIZE=-2>Compiled Using ver. 1.6.5-1160-gef26c5f, built on Sep 30, 2015");
Writing to a File......
Code: Select all hI = dht.readHumidity(); // Do any math at this stage as the file contains strings formatted by '= String and ,=Numeric for Google Charts......
tI = dht.readTemperature();
lastdata=""; // This is for Google Gauges....
lastdata += tI;
lastdata += ",hum=";
lastdata += hI;
logdata = "['"; // This is the start of the construction of the string to print to file...
if (tm.Hour <10){logdata += "0";}
logdata += tm.Hour;
logdata += ":";
if (tm.Minute <10){logdata += "0";}
logdata += tm.Minute;
logdata += "-";
if (tm.Day <10){logdata += "0";}
logdata += tm.Day;
logdata += "/";
if (tm.Month <10){logdata += "0";}
logdata += tm.Month;
logdata += "',";
logdata += tI;
logdata += ",";
logdata += hI;
logdata += "],";
File dataFile1 ="/humidlog.CSV", "a"); // Append data to file.....
if (dataFile1) {
dataFile1.println(logdata); // Print the Data into the file
Dfsize = dataFile1.size(); // Check the size of the file SPIFFS on a 512KB is only 64K !!
dataFile1.close(); // close file before proceeding......
else { // Make sure the SPIFFS did not return an error !!!
lcd.print("rOr humidlog.CSV");
Re: file io How to use
Fri Nov 06, 2015 9:13 am
by xtal
thx GKhan
But I realy need this from the basic code standpoint.
Re: file io How to use
Sun Dec 06, 2015 11:14 am
by tayfun
Good question, How to write data *.cvs file , end how to monitoring that file on web page?