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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By kingedem
#33962 Hi Micheal,

Is there any commands to retrieve the settings ( name and passwords) of Station mode and AP mode?

when I open the Settings page, all the text fields gets filled with names and password. I would like to access the same using commands.
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By Mmiscool
#33969 All of the settings can be read and written to using the read and write commands.

Code: Select allread "WIFIname" bla
print bla

List of file names used for the settings page are shown is quotation marks.

staName is "WIFIname"
staPass is "WIFIpass"
apName is "APname"
apPass is "APpass"
LoginKey is "LoginKey"
ShowMenueBar is "ShowMenueBar"
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By kingedem
#33976 I tried following method to read the values but, it did not work... its only fetching APpass value for all the variables.

read "WIFIname" ssid
read "WIFIpass" password
read "APname" ssid1
read "APpass" password1
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By Mmiscool
#33978 head on over to the vars page. Currently there can only be 50 vars used by the program.

These vars do not get cleared at start of a program. To free up the vars use the memclear command. put it at the top of your program and see if your results change. just tested the code o my sytem and it seems to be working fin. Got back values for each variable.