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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Mmiscool
#30438 Hello,

I just uploaded a new version of the firmware.

The interpreter worked off of spaces and special characters for parsing.

if you have strings like the one you go that should contain things in quotation marks you can now with the new version use the | symbol to encomaps it.

wprint |kfkfkjfkl "some more text" sgfsgsdgfsdg|

The buttons on your test page should be created using the button command and will jump the code to a specific branch label.
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By xtal
#30444 Tried the new FW, could tell little difference, managed to save prog 1 time , then never could save again . FW hung up had to reload nodemcu then reload basic

apparently you cannot RUN the program from the edit window until you get it saved..........................

The SAVE file needs to be reliable may be it will work 1 out of 50 tries.
The login info keeps disappearing., and apparently does not save correctly
Does the format work? Looks to me that is does not do anthing but show Formatting 0
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By Mmiscool
#30446 Format will delette all the files and settings you have saved.
If you have a large program i recomend you copy and paste it in to the editor text areaand save it all in one shot. Then do an open to make sure it saved.

I will be updating it some more over the next few days. I did ad a bunch of new string functions that can be used.

Will be adding a few more latrer on.

Been a bit more focused on i2c stuff as of late.