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Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Mmiscool
#37752 There are certain pins that should not be pulled low on boot. I don't have a list of these pins. Possibly some one in the general area of the main forum would know the answer. I would be interested in this also so the information can be captured and published.
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By forlotto
#37753 Well from what I can find don't quite this as the gospel ...

I2C uses a single SDA line and the SCL line.

It is just a guess as to why they use GPIO 9 and GPIO 10 with LUA firmware.

And that guess is that there is 3 SDA pins so they use two of them knowing that they only need one of them for I2C communications.

Interesting bit of info don't quote it as gospel but indeed if this is the case I see no reason why basic could not do the same personally. Nothing like having a couple of extra GPIO pins on the Basic Wifi Dev Board or the NodeMCU for that matter.

Hrmmm maybe I should post it in the spice girls section ...
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By forlotto
#37789 Image

More info to add to the research
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By martinayotte
#37792 When your grid mentioned "N" for output on GPIO2 and GPIO0, what do you mean ?
Because they can be used as output, but with cares : we can attached LEDs on them, but not in Source mode, only in Sink mode to avoid false pulldown.
Personally, I used them for I2C bus, since the bus requires pullups and startup mode too, I2C bus becomes outputs only during LOW using open-drain mode.