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By forlotto
#37805 2 is fine I believe GPIO 0 D3 is the issue ... If I am not mistaken this is tied to the flash pin...

Also GPIO 15 D8 Latches on as well but technically this should latch off but the quick on off is not exactly good for 120v electronics per say some things are sensitive to this type of thing the quick on/off..

Problem is I need 8 pins ...

I believe RX and TX will have latching issues possibly as well only way to know for sure is to test.

But YES this is correct I have documented it a couple of days ago actually in the Basic Wifi Dev Kit / Nodemcu beginners guide...

Problem being there is quite a bit of mess I got to cope with to get a solid test and my time is kind of short today errr need to get something done though. Should have been on the ball earlier
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By forlotto
#37815 Tried removing

Pin 3 and pin 8 and putting on RX/TX it will not connect or go into AP mode...

There is something with the way AP mode and STA mode is handled at boot that must be causing the issue or a conflict somewhere...

It works fine with LUA but with Basic I need to unplug the GPIO's and Replug them after boot to get this working it should not be this way...

I will note I did use different GPIO's in lua 2 of them being GPIO 9 and GPIO 10 SDA2 and SDA3

the gpio's used for LUA were
GPIO 1,3,4,5,9,10,12,13,14

GPIO for basic I have tried D1 - D8 then switching D8 and D3 To TX and RX

Still no dice WIFI signal will not show up! Unless I disconnect gpios let it boot then connect gpios.
I cannot do this because it is in an enclosed casing each time I work on this there is a lot of tear down and replacement.

Spent hours today pushed it past the time now I'm running late DOH!

Now pin designator for all of those reading is the GPIO for Basic! Keep This In Mind.

if (PinDesignaor == "D0") pin = 16;
if (PinDesignaor == "D1") pin = 5;
if (PinDesignaor == "D2") pin = 4;
if (PinDesignaor == "D3") pin = 0;
if (PinDesignaor == "D4") pin = 2;
if (PinDesignaor == "D5") pin = 14;
if (PinDesignaor == "D6") pin = 12;
if (PinDesignaor == "D7") pin = 13;
if (PinDesignaor == "D8") pin = 15;
if (PinDesignaor == "RX") pin = 3;
if (PinDesignaor == "TX") pin = 1;

No Wifi Signal it is a bug or conflict of some sort really crazy to figure out! At this point I'm lost and need help I suppose what would be causing a no wifi on these GPIO's ? No Run whatever it is that is not working improper boot of some sort?
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By forlotto
#37816 Hooked a ac light to tx as a load it flickers each time I turn something on or off but it connects to wifi now....

Need GPIO 9 and 10 in order to work or maybe it is that they are not set as outputs in the code could this be causing the issue?

This is going to suck if I have to revert back to LUA but appears may be my only option currently. hrmmm kinda goofy that pins need a load on them to work...

Surely something has got to give here need to figure out something or else I'll be stuck possibly what I could do is disable a single output and have it always on but this defeats the purpose and need. Hrmmm need to ponder on this ...

PS sorry for the blitz of posts helps me think really it does or gather thoughts.
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By forlotto
#37819 Cannot Use RX TX for GPIO ON/OFF

They do not work correctly from what I can tell.