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Editor stripping html tags.

PostPosted: Thu May 28, 2020 11:05 am
by Alessandro Mandelli
Hi. I'm new here. Hope this question is not obvious. I couldn't find any reference to similar problems.
I've got a program like this (it continues for some more rows)

Code: Select allwprint "<div class="cd-schedule loading">"
wprint "<div class="timeline">"
wprint "<ul>"
wprint "<li><span>00:00</span></li>"
wprint "<li><span>00:30</span></li>"
wprint "<li><span>01:00</span></li>"

In the debugger I see:


Basicly all tags are stripped and only text is left.
I tried Chrome and Edge browsers with the same results.
I tried wprint and html with same results.

I'm lost here. I've got a Wemos D1 mini v.2.2

Thanks for your help

Re: Editor stripping html tags.

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 4:02 am
by Alessandro Mandelli

Re: Editor stripping html tags.

PostPosted: Sat May 30, 2020 11:24 am
by Alessandro Mandelli
I was able to sort the issue myself. I replaced " with | .
Also, I realized what doesn't appear in the debugger will be sent as html tags to the browser anyway.

Re: Editor stripping html tags.

PostPosted: Fri Jun 09, 2023 7:11 am
by mattflint
Alessandro Mandelli wrote:I was able to sort the issue myself. I replaced " with | .
Also, I realized what doesn't appear in the debugger will be sent as html tags to the browser anyway.

I am facing the same problem, and I don't know how to solve it. I noticed that no one has responded to your query, but I did see that you mentioned replacing " with |. Can you or someone else provide more details on this solution? I apologize for bringing up an old topic, but I would greatly appreciate any assistance.

I am getting the same results in chrome, opera, firefox and edge, and it's super annoying. Anyone please?