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Sorry Mike some nitpicking typos as requested

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 1:49 pm
by timathis
The retired teacher in me made me do it!!

In the editor instructions I found the following minor typos.
Will take a look at other docs also.


The real magic that makes ESP8266 Basic so amazing is the fact //the should be "that"// all programming is done in the web browser.

The web based interface works on smartphones and tablets //to should be too?// making it ideal if you don't want to log a heavy laptop around with you to program your devices.

Uploading code could not be easier. Just type or past it //in to should be into?// the edit area.

If you want to name your program you must type the name you want in the text box by the open button. Then click open. This will open the program if it exists so you can modify it. If the program //dose should be does??// not exist it will save to it upon hitting the save button.

Debugging with vars Page
Being able to tell whats going // insert "on"// is important while programming.

The vars page lets you take a peek under the hood and see what all of your variables are set to.

If you have a log in key set it will prompt you for //tat should be "that"// key before allowing you to view this page.

Re: Sorry Mike some nitpicking typos as requested

PostPosted: Mon Dec 14, 2015 7:55 pm
by Mmiscool
Thank you for pointing these out. After reviewing them all of the suggested correction have been made.

If you find any more please post them up. Still trying to really get every thing all cleaned up.

Was thinking of possibly moving the language reference section over to the githhub wiki. Might improve the quality of the documentation by having more folks being able to edit it.