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Command to view signal strength or available AP's

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 11:24 am
by heckler
Is it possible to view wifi signal strength or list available AP's (CWLAP) been implemented in the Basic OS??
How about being able to view connected clients to the ESP module with the (CWLIF) command??

AT+CWLAP - Lists available APs
AT+CWLIF - List clients connected to ESP8266 softAP


Re: Command to view signal strength or available AP's

PostPosted: Sat Dec 19, 2015 11:34 am
by Mmiscool
This seems like it can be done. Will require some research for the arduino equivalent code to make it work but it should be possible.

Re: Command to view signal strength or available AP's

PostPosted: Sun Dec 27, 2015 12:35 am
by forlotto
just grab a cheap wifi scanner or use your cellphone, tablet, laptop, etc...

I guess you could check for open connections with one of these and a small screen make your own wifi scanner but doubtful it will be as good as what is listed above.

Would be interesting to scan and have a drop down menu on the settings page with a button to scan so it does not constantly scan to me not important though ... To others maybe but if you are accessing the esp you are going to have to know something about your network I presume.

I would like to see the ability to change the AP IP personally when talking of changing wireless settings.

Interesting request I am a bit curious as to the reasoning behind the request maybe it is something I am missing?

Re: Command to view signal strength or available AP's

PostPosted: Sun Jan 03, 2016 2:46 pm
by Mmiscool
Added new functions.

Returns number of available networks.

Returns SSID string (Network name)
wifi.ssid({value or var for number})

Retuns signal Strength:
wifi.rssi({value or var for number})

This code will list access points and there signal strengths.
Code: Select alln = wifi.scan()
html "Number of network found = "
html n

for x = 1 to n
html "<hr>"
html wifi.ssid(x)
html ","
html wifi.rssi(x)
next x