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Looks like there are 2 Javascripts for ESP8266 now...

PostPosted: Tue Sep 29, 2015 2:27 pm
by RichardS

Re: Looks like there are 2 Javascripts for ESP8266 now...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 12:19 am
by forlotto
Due to possible subtle differences don't you believe it would be appropriate to have 2 separate sections?

One for smartjs and another for espurino I could see topics getting mixed up and solutions working for one while it may not work for the other etc...

Not my forum I know but just trying to spare kolban and others with espurino who will likely be contributing and answering questions a bit of separation to prevent them from having to ask everytime what version of java are you using or possibly thinking espurino has bugs that are actually related to smartjs etc...

But thanks for sharing Richard the Java thing looks interesting but early in dev. I will keep an eye on it and see where it goes and how it grows.

Re: Looks like there are 2 Javascripts for ESP8266 now...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 9:09 am
by kolban
We seem to be happily awash in language support now ... C, JavaScript, Lua, Basic and I think I saw Lisp the other day. I'm not sure if all these languages are due to "demand" or because "we can" ... either way, choice is good.

Speaking just for myself ... I don't think there needs to be even ONE forum for Espruino JavaScript on the ESP8266 on our ESP8266 community.

Why would I say that? Well ... once the porting of Espruino to ESP8266 is complete, there should be virtually nothing that would be ESP8266 specific to talk about. The questions that might come up would be more along the lines of "How do I write this JavaScript code ... " or ... "Here is a sample I wrote to drive a MAX7219" ... or "Has anyone connected a <blah blah blah>?". And all of those would be questions that should be "Espruino" specific (as opposed to ESP8266 specific).

Since the "Espruino" story already has an Espruino community ... see http://www.espruino.com/ with its associated documentation, forums and github, it doesn't seem to be sensible to ask "Espruino" questions here where the catchment of Espruino skills is obviously going to be much smaller than on the Espruino dedicate forums.

I would imagine the same would be true for SmartJS.

For the issues that are ESP8266 specific ... such as "What voltage can I apply?" or "How do I flash an ESP8266" ... those are not Espruino specific questions and are adequately covered here already.

(all opinions)


Re: Looks like there are 2 Javascripts for ESP8266 now...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 06, 2015 8:16 pm
by forlotto
Perfect there we have it then problem solved disaster averted ;)

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