General area when it fits no where else

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By raintime
#52155 Sure I want features! I want MQTT, I want checkboxes and radio buttons! I want the ability to configure SDA and SCK pins for I2C, I want, I want, I want!

But really, more than anything now, I want my ESP8266 BASIC to work!

I don’t know how everyone else is doing, but with the latest builds and my Chrome browser I can hardly get anything that used to work to work now! Yes the new debugger looks beautiful, and I’m very glad I can now coax a link to (sometimes) appear on my page.

But now, even with simple programs, when run, sometimes they work a little, and sometimes the same programs when run a second time work not at all. And some work a little only if the debugger is on, but don’t work at all with it off.

Today I tried to load the newest build but the flasher now does not not detect my COM port.

I know nobody wants to hear the ugly words “feature freeze,” but I would propose that it’s time to stop plunging forward with ever more new (and I agree, dazzling) features and stabilize the large and fantastic feature set that is already there now! This wonderful BASIC has become unusable.

I’ve never pressed the “donate” button in my life. But after build 3.0 alpha 17, following Forlotto’s suggestion, I sent a few beers Michael’s way. He certainly deserves it! If anyone reading this feels its time to stop adding new features and make what is there reliable, why not press the “donate” button and send Michael a beer? If Mike starts getting lots of “beers” now, it might show that others feel like this too!
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By Mmiscool
#52160 Thanks for the feed back.

If your com port dose not show up in the list you can still type the number in the box.

The best way to make bugs go away is to post small programs that can demonstrate problem.

Keep the bug reports coming. As to a feature freeze and the debugger. I won't say new features will not be added but the focus will be on fixing things for now.

The debugger has been a good resource for me in figuring out problems that have been cropping up.

Hopefully now it will be possible to better focus on bugs. Many of which were found over the past few weeks and corrected.

I will say it again though. Please post the smallest example of code that is not working. This is will help me immensely in correcting things.

Thanks for the support
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By Juan de Austria
#52264 Hello,

I feel with "raintime".

I like the idea with an error report system. I think a very high priority task
must be to increase the speed of ESP BASIC programs.

Now the interpreter (V3) drops under 100 instruction per second !!!
In comparison to other basic languages this BASIC is very, very slow !
(MMBasic on Micromite: 25000 instructions per second at 40 MHz,
FUZE Basic on Raspy: 400000 instructions per second at 1GHz,
old home computer: TI99/4A over 1000 instructions per second)

1000 instructions (or more) per second are OK for me. I understand
that WIFI, browser and interpreter is not easy to handle.
But i hope in future there will be some aprovements.

In four months is X-Mas and my wish is, to donate some beers,
really good CRAFT beers.

bw Juan