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Re: Compiled Byte Count Discrepancy

PostPosted: Thu Aug 25, 2016 6:34 pm
by Oldbod
I've been trying to compile for a few days. Keep getting a can't find error for fs.h plus some references to multiple entries for some files. I think this must be in my library management or board selection
but arduino ide seems to put files in several places (eg roaming) which makes it hard to manage for a beginner.

Any extra advice on how to get this right please?

Re: Compiled Byte Count Discrepancy

PostPosted: Sun Aug 28, 2016 1:20 am
by Oldbod
Just a followup. After some faffing about i deleted everything i could find from my laptop to do with esp and arduino. I then did a fresh download. Not sure where i wwnt wrong the first time but this compiles, though it does have some duplicated library entry points. ( Probably some compiler/linker directives i dont know about. ) I did notice that there were no libraries to delete before copying in the ones supplied with esp8266basic.

As i'm just looking at it as a learning exercise this is fine. Just wnt to tinker a bit and get a bitof famikiaritywith c++. I like the simplicity of the build/flash process but the ide seems a bit light on features to me. Otoh it is free and i probably just need to learn how to use it properly.(workman and tools spring to mind).