General area when it fits no where else

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By joeman2116
#48822 I had been learning how to work with html code on ver2 but now when trying the same code on ver 3 it does not work..
There are no errors - but there is no effect on the screen.
It should make the screen lightgrey with a lightblue box around the heading.

wprint "<head>"
wprint "<meta http-equiv='refresh'content='5;URL=/input?'>"
wprint "</head>"
wprint "<body bgcolor='lightgrey'>"

wprint "<table align='center' width='320' bgcolor='lightblue' border='6' cellpadding='5'>"
wprint "<th><h2><b>WiFi Eco Thermostat</h2></b></th>"
wprint "<th</th></table><br>"

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By forlotto
#48826 You seem to lack a body closing tag and html tags if you wish to be correct with coding. Let me see if I can take the rocket out of the science with framework example one should use on every web page these tags according to standard should be included in EVERY web page ;)

I will warn you I have done some basic html work nothing extreme so I while I am not the greatest coder in the world I know some basics and hopefully my assumption is correct that you are stumbling at the basics of html and syntax and I have understood your problem.

You may also use the color code for light grey ;) you can get a particular shade of light grey that you may prefer this way. Just look up grey html color codes I prefer to stick to color codes myself this way I know the information is right.

This is the page I use for color codes rather than color names:

Anyways from now on use this framework to stay within the standards of an html page you can just copy and paste this and add in your code between the lines! Obviously you will have to append wprint.

The Basic HTML Framework
Learn the basic tag framework for HTML pages.

An HTML document begins with 4 sets of nested container tags.

Code: Select all<HTML>
         <TITLE> Page Title </TITLE>
          Text of document.

A little info about each container.

The <HTML> </HTML> container surrounds, or contains, the entire HTML document, which is displayed at the top of the Web browser.
The <HEAD> </HEAD> container contains the document's header information, which specifies how an HTML document is to be interpreted.
The <TITLE> </TITLE> container lives within the HEAD container and contains the title of the document.
The <BODY> </BODY> container contains the main content of the HTML document.

I hope this helps a bit,

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By joeman2116
forlotto wrote:You seem to lack a body closing tag and html tags if you wish to be correct with coding. Let me see if I can take the rocket out of the science with framework example one should use on every web page these tags according to standard should be included in EVERY web page ;)

I will warn you I have done some basic html work nothing extreme so I while I am not the greatest coder in the world I know some basics and hopefully my assumption is correct that you are stumbling at the basics of html and syntax and I have understood your problem.

You may also use the color code for light grey ;) you can get a particular shade of light grey that you may prefer this way. Just look up grey html color codes I prefer to stick to color codes myself this way I know the information is right.

This is the page I use for color codes rather than color names:

Anyways from now on use this framework to stay within the standards of an html page you can just copy and paste this and add in your code between the lines! Obviously you will have to append wprint.

The Basic HTML Framework
Learn the basic tag framework for HTML pages.

An HTML document begins with 4 sets of nested container tags.

Code: Select all<HTML>
         <TITLE> Page Title </TITLE>
          Text of document.

A little info about each container.

The <HTML> </HTML> container surrounds, or contains, the entire HTML document, which is displayed at the top of the Web browser.
The <HEAD> </HEAD> container contains the document's header information, which specifies how an HTML document is to be interpreted.
The <TITLE> </TITLE> container lives within the HEAD container and contains the title of the document.
The <BODY> </BODY> container contains the main content of the HTML document.

I hope this helps a bit,


Thanks for the feedback.

I tried the structure and added the wprint but with the same results.
The tables / boxes dont appear. The background is not displayed etc.....

wprint "<HTML>"
wprint "<HEAD>"
wprint "<test">
wprint "</HEAD>"
wprint "<BODY bgcolor='blue'>"
wprint "<Text of document.>"
wprint "</BODY>"

wprint "<table align='center' width='320' bgcolor='lightblue' border='6' cellpadding='5'>"
wprint "<th><h2><b>WiFi Eco Thermostat</h2></b></th>"
wprint "<th</th></table><br>"

wprint "</HTML>"

but code html works perfect on ver 2
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By forlotto
#48830 You need to use " not ' if that does not work use nothing at all and see how it fairs and if that don't work just use a space instead. Try these three combinations I think the apostrophe is what is sidelining you here most likely...

for bg color

wprint "<body bgcolor="#E6E6FA">"

or possibly

wprint "<body bgcolor=#E6E6FA>" may do the trick but I would bet this is your issue!

I think the first will work but maybe not...
Give it a shot.

good luck and remember always try to follow w3c standards while producing a web page use this framework and make sure that all open tags have close tags as well.

Give it a shot see what happens both ways I don't have a version 3 loaded yet to test with been working a bit on reading about the newer syntax and such before I dive in on it ...

Seems to be a fairly smooth operator though at this point like a lot of the bugs are getting ironed out...
Last edited by forlotto on Wed Jun 08, 2016 9:53 pm, edited 1 time in total.