General area when it fits no where else

Moderator: Mmiscool

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By Electroguard
#58365 That's a bit like asking "How long is a piece of string?"

You call it a wifi camera, but wifi is often used for simple video streaming from cameras which cannot be connected to.
So presumably you must be talking about an IPcamera, but take a look at an IPcamera viewing software and it will cater for hundreds - if not thousands - of different makes and models of IPcamera's, all with their own specific features and protocols and quirks... so which one of those is yours???

I suspect for security and performance reasons the connection transport protocol would probably be TCP, and Esp_Basic only has UDP implemented.

So I'm afraid can already see some big potential problems in the way.
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By blupassat
#58372 Hi,
thanks a lot.

The camera is an action camera and I developped an android app for it.

The action camera accepts the command like "" for start, stop and other functions.

In my android app i used http command and the camera respond correctly.

I think that if espbasic don't use tcp protocol this operations can't work with this action camera.
I suppose that i must to look another Language for esp8266.

Thanks in advance

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By Mmiscool
#58406 If all you have to do is tug on a url using http then the wget() function will work for you.

Code: Select allWget("")