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Download from the ESP and cloning a device

PostPosted: Sun Jul 23, 2017 4:19 pm
by Edi
Mybe it's a stupid question, but how can I download my own code from the ESP?
- Filemanager doesn't work
- Strg+a and Strg+c doesn't work (clipboard works only for the visible part inside the Editor).
- Right klick on the "EDIT"-menue ad "download as ..." works, but the result is not the pure code; there ist a header an a footer, containing some other contents.

Later, when my program is finish, I want to "clone" all contents to a series of identical devices.
So it would be nice to have a way to migrate the complete Imagefile.

I would think that are all-day-tasks for programmers? How do all of you manage such things?