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kolban wrote:I hear ya guys ... I'm going to start a Patreon fund ... that way we will see if there is any actual value in the time spent researching, writing, updating and continuing endeavors such as books like this. A rough count seems to show more than 10,000 unique downloads of the PDF. The question now becomes one of whether or not folks see the effort of donation to the continuance of this book and others like it. A Pateron fund is normally considered a pledge to pay an amount each month as long as the person being patronized continues to deliver value. For example, a pledge of $1 would deduct $1 each month from your account (one year would be $12) ... and patrons have the option to cancel their pledge at any time.

My plan is to keep the book downloadable for free at the web site and trust that those that see value will choose to contribute to its up-keep. I honestly have no idea whether I will benefit substantially or not and since I didn't start this project with the outset to make any monies, we'll see where it goes ... as much as an experiment as anything. Hopefully I have demonstrated my credentials by the existence and update of the book so far and I plan to do the same for ESP32.

My Pi book is at about 130 pages so far and I hope to pass 200 quality pages before release. Interestingly the Pi book has not detracted from the ESP8266 work .... as so much I had to learn for the Pi is now becoming increasingly applicable to our ESP8266 too.


To be honest, I am happy to pay £10 UK for the book (better them some peoples technical books of late), but I don't do Patreon !
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By jonathanberi
#36596 Hi Kolban - love the book! Thank you for putting so much time and effort into this great resource.

I just wanted to give you a heads up that for some reason, the ePub cover page seems to be using an old release. When I upload to Google Play Books, it displays the "October" cover instead of december. I've triple-checked to make sure.

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By RichardS
#36688 Patreon is a great idea!

I just Tweeted about the book again today.... hurry! :-)

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By kolban
#36697 I decided not to go with Patreon but rather to go with leanpub. The book can now be found at the following:

Not only does this service provide the ability for me to distribute the book but it allows one to download it for free and, hopefully if you ... the reader like what you find, you can buy a copy for a one-time fee and still download the updates when needed. It also provides a service to alert you (if you desire) when new revisions become available.

Unlike Patreon, this doesn't look to make recurring payments ... just a payment ... and even then, only if you choose. You can get the book for zero dollars, or buy a copy from $0.99 up to $10 ... you choose the value based on your desire. Of course, if over time you continue to like what you find ... you can always keep contributing as you see fit.