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By abl
#14300 I don't have an Android device around to test this, but check out: ...

It seems to be like TI's approach - the ESP8266 monitors all packets and looks for patterns in the size of the packets. Encoded in the size of the packets is a string containing the SSID and key.
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By skywave
#17162 Hi There,

Why does ESP8266 be configured in Station Mode only to use ESPTouch (SmartConfig)? It would be cool to keep it in AP+Station. That way we could try to use Smartconfig, but if it doesn't work we could still try to access the ESP8266 network and perform setup by using a webserver interface - like with esphttpd.

Best Regards,
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By AndreasW
#31146 Hey there,

any update on this? Changing SSID and PWD after flashing is an important feature imho... Make the device more
'portable' and flexible.

Would be great if someone has done this before with the use of the arduino ide - or maybe we can start develop it together?!

Best regards.