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By Paul van Fraassen
#29377 This is a fantastic resource !!!
I will be reading and rereading this and enjoying it.
I've been a part time technical instructor for a while so,
I have pretty good idea of how much work that goes into something like this.

So, even if you ever get bored of hearing it I think it needs to be said much more:
Thank You ! Thank You ! Thank You !

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By forlotto
#29549 I will donate some cash if you show me how to:

Create something to work with my webpage using nodemcu firmware

I love the book but it is very sparse on nodemcu examples with LUA and such at least the 150+ pages I was able to read through this weekend.

What I really want to see is an example of how to use a web page to set weekly timers for the nodemcu and be able to send them out remotely to your nodemcu 10 timers per pin per day. Something along the lines of a thermostat type design but just a simple on or off .

Anyhow I would like to say great job!
This was pretty extreme reading we need more community orientated folks like you! kudos!