- Wed Aug 12, 2015 3:10 pm
gregware wrote:Hi,
If you get anyone from AI-Thinker to talk to you (assuming you're a westerner), let us know
I have never ever found any communication from this company, their web site is chinese-only, and I would say that our small world of hobbyists-DYIer is not in their scope at all.
My feeling is that this is not out of carelessness on AI-Thinker's part, it's just that they do their stuff for the chinese market, they probably sell tons of ESP-XX boards to the chinese industry for integration in IoT devices, and we're the least of their concern.
It just happens that some of their boards are sold off to westerners on eBay or AliExpress by local folks alongside many gadgets, and on TaoBao for the internal hobbyist/entrepreneur market. They do not have a PR dept that will handle kids playing with their stuff as a hobby.
Fair enough.
In terms of electronics, there are many chips out there that we do not have access to, ESP-8266 has been an exception for incidental reasons. Lookup the GongKai article there http://www.bunniestudios.com/blog/?tag=gongkai for background...
See my other post on this some time ago: viewtopic.php?f=6&t=1124
That's just a feeling, right, I may be wrong, and I welcome a debate, or even better, hard facts on the matter. Anyone reading chinese better than google could tell us what goes on on AI-Thinker website?
Hi Greg
As mentioned, I have got in touch with them fine.
Our company is looking to use ESP modules in one of our products, and they were more than happy to speak to us. I have had no problems talking to Espressif, or to Sales / Technical and the CEO Of AI Thinker.
Yes I am a westerner.
I didn't go in via their website. We started communications with Espressif, and got a referral to their CEO, who then put us on to the sales team, who then put us on to the lead engineer for AI Thinker.
So yes, I have direct contact at the moment.
Very understandable on their part why it would be difficult for hobbyists etc to get in touch with them. Really, who wants hundreds of hobbyists asking questions to the engineering team at their factory. They would be inundated with questions. That is what forums are for. Sadly it is in Chinese for us non-Chinese speaking/reading people, but really its a Chinese company and its just part of the challenge. Want to use Chinese parts, you have to deal with the Chinese language, unless the company has spent the time to cater for other countries and make another version of their website - which at the moment Ai Thinker hasn't. Sales / Technical and CEO all speak and write good English, so from our point of view we are very happy. We do have a few Chinese colleagues in another department, however we haven't had to go there yet.
Flip the coin and have a Chinese company want to use a part from a USA company, they have to deal with them in English right... its no different.