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By kolban
#25096 Howdy Voyo,
Perfect ... that is exactly the kind of feedback that I need. I will be studying this area tonight and examine the data at the correct Baud rate ... I'll also research the speed and what (if anything) the boot message means/says ... and update the docs appropriately. I am sure there are MANY errors in the PDF and only with the assistance of kind readers like yourself can we find them and correct them so that the material becomes more accurate. Again ... MANY thanks.

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By martinayotte
#25101 BTW, on related subject, some Serial adaptor doesn't support 76800 Baud, even if Linux drivers suppose to support it.
I have a PL2303, but maybe a clone (I'm not sure), and I've never be able to decrypt 76800 Baud boot message.
(I think I will purchase another one, although I would prefer that Espressif change that to 115200 in their own libs right after reset)
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By churchill
#25110 Thank you for this great work. As I'm not english fluent, I think I will need a little time to read it in complete. I will start immediately !