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By lucasromeiro
#84925 Hi
I started working with Deep-Sleep a short time ago and noticed that the information, techniques and tips are widely spread over the internet.
I create this topic to gather tips for maximum savings using software and hardware techniques.
It is an interesting discussion and I believe it will help many people.

I hope you will help me build these tips.

Here are mine:

Disable wifi calibration when you return from deep sleep, so you will avoid a power surge at this time (WAKE_NO_RFCAL):
ESP.deepSleep (10e6, WAKE_NO_RFCAL);
delay (100); (always remember to set this delay after deepsleep)

If you are going to wake up but you won't use wifi yet, use ModemSleep mode to save energy directed to wifi:
WiFi.disconnect (true);
WiFi.mode (WIFI_STA);
WiFi.forceSleepBegin ();

When using wifi, wake up the radio and connect:
WiFi.forceSleepWake ();
WiFi.begin (ssid, password);

I still do not understand well how some things work, so I can share with you!

ESP8266WiFiClass :: preinitWiFiOff ();
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By Bonzo
#84927 I was sending some data before deep sleep and it was failing. A delay(500) before deep sleep prevented the problem of sleeping before the data was finished sending.