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By Chewe3d
#22734 Hi everyone,

I'm a newbie who finally managed to make work this awesome code with glediator (ws2812)

The thing is that now i'm moving to apa102, and i'm unable to drive them. Is anyone working on the adaptation for apa102 protocol with this code? can i help/test?

As far as i've seen its spi protocol it quite resembles with LPD6803 (and ws2801).

Rage has posted some nice results with lua & tpm2 (althought i can not figure how to modify it's code to make it work on esp01 on gpi0 & gpi2)

nice docs: ... -superled/ ... apa102_AVR

any follow up?

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By ledfreak3d
#24037 Hey Guys ok i am going crazy here.
i dont know what i am doing wrong but i have a esp01 module
thats working fine with a other firmware on gpio o

but cant get is to work with the ws2812 the firmware

Uploaded it to esp with nodemcu flasher
uploaded the latest nodemcu fw to 0x0000
uploaded 0x0000.bin also to 0x0000
uploaded 0x4000.bin to 0x4000

the esp comes online the ap is running can connect and send data to it but no outout also verified on a scope

what am i missing ?
any help is mutch apreciated