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By rudi
nicoverduin wrote:@rudi
I do not have a clue what the requirements are for FCC & TüV. What I do know it is quite strict and a lot of paperwork. I spoke to a couple of companies on an embedded exhibition last week (Netherlands) and the message was to expect throughput time could easily exceed 100%-150%. Not to speak of the cost increase. So every module that I use that has the requireded approvals up forehand save the customer money and time and me a couple of sore fingers for the paperwork and engineering time.
As for the rest... I like the module though :D

nico do you speak german, italy or france?
the module will go on FCC . the modul now is open for breadboard -- you can design and make your hardware - in finnsih you will get the fcc how you need. the THT goes SMD and FCC case will close, contacts all bottom ..
hope this helps for further question let me know. btw get mines today ;-)
best wishes rudi ;-)
ESP-ADC Modul arrieved today
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By nicoverduin
rudi wrote:
nicoverduin wrote:@rudi
I do not have a clue what the requirements are for FCC & TüV. What I do know it is quite strict and a lot of paperwork. I spoke to a couple of companies on an embedded exhibition last week (Netherlands) and the message was to expect throughput time could easily exceed 100%-150%. Not to speak of the cost increase. So every module that I use that has the requireded approvals up forehand save the customer money and time and me a couple of sore fingers for the paperwork and engineering time.
As for the rest... I like the module though :D

nico do you speak german, italy or france?
Sorry,,,, Fluent Dutch, fluent English (Australian accent :D ), vacation French, German I can follow.... that's about it.
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By rudi
alonewolfx2 wrote:Hi rudi i am fine and you :)) i am watering well :)
Everything ok without auto tcp connection. I have problem and i wrote in this forum.Can you help me again :)) This is link
Best wishes .

rudi wrote:
alonewolfx2 wrote:Thanks for your hard work rudi :) i have question. What is the voltage range for adc meassure on esp8266ex

Hi Mehemt!! ;-))))))))

great to see here ... are you all watering well?

Hi Mehmet
sorry for wrong name writting.
yes sure - will look asap ok .
rudi ;-)

hey ..ADC is 0..1.1V

best wishes!
how are you hope you are fine
rudi ;-)