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Re: Deepsleep and Watchodog timer example?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 3:16 am
by panoss
I put it in deep sleep for 1 hour (#define sleepTime 60*60*1000000) and did not wake up at all.
I reduced it to 10 minutes (#define sleepTime 10*60*1000000) and it works fine!
I increased it to 20 minutes (#define sleepTime 20*60*1000000) and it works fine!
(now I have put it at 30 minutes and wait to see the result)

Why it didn't wake up at the first case? (1 hour)
I read that the limit for deep sleep is 71 minutes.
And anyway, if I exceeded the limit it would just wake up earlier.
This did not wake up at all.

EDIT: at 30 minutes works fine

(I use Arduino 1.8.5)

Re: Deepsleep and Watchodog timer example?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 4:17 am
by schufti
if you look at the 30min and 1h value, you'll see that 30min is in the positive range of an 32bit integer, the 1h value in the "negative" range, so maybe it would help trying to typecast the value as unsigned long
like 3600000000ul or better look up the requested type in your version of esp.h, for me it is
Code: Select allvoid deepSleep(uint64_t time_us, RFMode mode = RF_DEFAULT);

Re: Deepsleep and Watchodog timer example?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 4:36 am
by panoss
schufti wrote:look up the requested type in your version of esp.h

Where is this file located?
I searched at C:\Program Files\Arduino and didn't find anything!

Re: Deepsleep and Watchodog timer example?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 21, 2018 5:42 am
by btidey
The file is located in a path that ends in cores\esp8266

It depends on how you installed the esp8266 support where this is located.

Check in arduino preferences to see where your preferences fie is located. Then in the preferences.txt you should see a setting like


where ide number might be different. This setting will have the path to the hardware folder and cores should be under there somewhere