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By Sprite_tm
#13353 And because I can, I'm gonna see if I can live-blog it.

Step 1: The parts. I've collected the things I need from my bins, drawers etc. It's an ESP01 module, a RGB LED, button, some PCB and an 180mA LiIon battery. I've also designed a basic shape and sent it to my lasercutter. As you can see, it's gonna be a transparent, square button. Square because I like that better and transparent because I don't have any other material for my laser cutter :P

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By Sprite_tm
#13361 And here I was hoping I could keep it clean, even when it's a quickly built prototype... switching to the ESP12 professionally messed up that idea. Ah well, it works.


I also decided to not use the red bit of the RGB led. This is because red inspires a sense of fear, of failure, something I do not want to have associated with my device. Green and blue are much more comforting, and inspire a sense of aesthetics I like. That and I seemingly heated up the red pin too much and now it's broken and I can't be arsed to replace the LED.
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By Sprite_tm
#13367 Okay, I've been hacking away on the software. I basically took bits and pieces from my Eink project, plus esphttpd, and I already have a thing where you can configure the URL if the button is long-pressed, plus the code to fetch the URL when it's short-pressed. I just have a small issue with the hardware:

The thing in rest eats up about 40uA when doing nothing. The LED seems to be responsible for some of that use, but not much: without them, power usage goes down to 33uA. With that power use, the button will only last me half a year, which is way too short.