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Re: ESP8266 (ESP-07) dead, or is it????

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 3:52 am
by torntrousers
Hi Sesupply, its unlikely you've corrupted anything to permanently break the ESP-07. It does work using an Uno as the FTDI adapter, I've done that and it works fine, some more info on doing that is here. AFAIK the ESP Rx pin is 5v tolerant so you don't need a level shifter and can connect it directly to the Uno (it works for me anyway on several ESPs).

You say "I managed to upload a blank sketch...Now this module does nothing!!" - what are you expecting to happen, a blank sketch does nothing, right? Try a sketch that does something simple:
Code: Select allvoid setup() {
void loop() {

Use the Arduino IDE with ESP8266 support that you said you've got (from following the instructions here?).

Hook up the ESP using the Uno for FTDI, and with ESP GPIO-0 connected to GND, GPIO15 connected to GND, CH_PD connected to 3.3V.

Click upload in the IDE and you should see in the IDE console the upload happen and it say it completed successfully.

Open the IDE Serial monitor, set speed to 115200 baud, and you should see the Hello's every second.

If that doesn't work tell us exactly which steps did/didn't work.

Re: ESP8266 (ESP-07) dead, or is it????

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:08 am
by cal


it's nice to know that an arduino can be used this way. I must have missed that when I started hacking the esp8266.

I understand that the UNO MCU is "disabled" and the hardware serial of the UNO is then patched through?


Re: ESP8266 (ESP-07) dead, or is it????

PostPosted: Fri Jun 12, 2015 4:09 am
by cal
@sesupply: If that works for you it would be very nice if you add some condensed example it to the wiki!