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Re: MSP430 + ESP8266

PostPosted: Tue Nov 10, 2015 11:11 pm
by martinayotte
Your answers don't give much details about the requirements.
You need to define a protocol of communication between both MCUs.

Re: MSP430 + ESP8266

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 3:37 am
by bbx10node
darkipod wrote:I see! Well my requirements are really quite simple, I just want the ESP to act as a access point for me to connect my laptop, and then from there I just want it to feed commands from my terminal to MSP430, the main goal is to control my RC car's remote

If you want a pass through (also known as transparent bridge) between UART and WiFi, there is a project for called esp-link. I have not used it yet but have been following it for use in the not too distant future.



Another option, included in the Arduino IDE is a simple Telnet to UART example program. It does what esp-link does but esp-link has many more features. See File | Examples | ESP8266WiFi | WiFiTelnetToSerial.

Re: MSP430 + ESP8266

PostPosted: Wed Nov 11, 2015 8:40 am
by darkipod
Oh! Esp-link sounds great! I would look into your other option but I'm trying to use other micro controllers other than ATmel and was given an MSP430 by my school.