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By alonewolfx2
#3663 I saw and I try i2c and it's working fine. I have esp_03 it have many pins. I wish to use 5110 LCD for battery powered operations. (it's consuming lower than 1ma without led. ) I am looking spi sw :)
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By gerardwr
alonewolfx2 wrote:I saw and I try i2c and it's working fine. I have esp_03 it have many pins. I wish to use 5110 LCD for battery powered operations. (it's consuming lower than 1ma without led. ) I am looking spi sw :)

ESP-3, nice.

Have you measured the power consumption of a working ESP yet. I hear crazy numbers, like "get a 500mA power supply, or else". Can't believe that. My trusty FTDI adapter provided enough mA to get my ESP running (sometimes a bit flakey ;) ) I'm now working with 2 Eneloop AA's, has been working yesterday all day. At 500mA it would have died by now.

I had a conversation with the creator of the I2C example. He seems like a nice and helpful person. Maybe you can challenge him?
It's here:
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By alonewolfx2
gerardwr wrote:Have you measured the power consumption of a working ESP yet. I hear crazy numbers, like "get a 500mA power supply, or else".

i measured peak 280ma on starting and normal working 80-200ma. on deepsleep 38-42 µa.
gerardwr wrote: I'm now working with 2 Eneloop AA's, has been working yesterday all day. At 500mA it would have died by now.

2 aa with stepup boosster? (2aa 1.4x2=2.8v)

gerardwr wrote:I had a conversation with the creator of the I2C example. He seems like a nice and helpful person. Maybe you can challenge him?
It's here:

i saw that but i dont want to work closed source anymore :( i mean lua. its very usefull but i dont know.
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By gerardwr
#3676 Around 200mA is a lot. If there is no possibility to set the ESP in sleep, you can forget about battery powered devices. Currently nodeMCU only can be put into deepsleep, and then do a full reset.

Im my Arduin devices I can put it to sleep and at wakeup (by timer or pin-change) it continues were it was before sleep.

That would be a worth file feature for nodeMCU too.