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Re: ESP8266 UART to TCP socket absolutely transparent bridge

PostPosted: Sun May 17, 2015 1:57 am
by ArnieO
VK5OI wrote:Thanks again ArnieO and all.
The good news is I have it working, but I am not sure what I did to fix it., other than start from the beginning again, for about the tenth time.
If I work it out I will post the issue and solution here.
Thanks again for your assistance all.

If you are prototyping on a breadboard where wires are jammed into holes, "almost-connections" can give problems that can come and go. Moving and wiggeling wires can fix things for no obvious reason. Good to hear you got it working!

Re: ESP8266 UART to TCP socket absolutely transparent bridge

PostPosted: Tue May 19, 2015 2:02 am
by dacb
The GPIO2 pull request is such a dream. Now I can program my arduino instantly with the following script:

Code: Select all#!/bin/bash

if [ $# -eq 2 ]; then
        echo "usage: $0 <host> <hex file>"
        exit 1

if [ ! -e $hex ]
        echo "unable to find hex file $hex"
        exit 1

/usr/bin/expect << EOF
set timeout 20

spawn telnet $host

expect "'^]'."
send "+++AT GPIO2 2 100\r"
expect "RESET"

avrdude -v -v -c avrisp -p m328p -P net:$host:23 -F -U flash:w:$hex:i

Many thanks to jvandenbroek@github

Re: ESP8266 UART to TCP socket absolutely transparent bridge

PostPosted: Wed May 20, 2015 5:13 am
by dynio
I'm new to the forum. For some time I use esp8266 with Beckdac transparent bridge software with my home project.
I send some data (e.g temperature sensors value) from arduino by TX to esp8266 and receive it on my Android Phone or iPhone 5 by Wireless network. I send and reaceive about 10 bytes in equal every 500 ms.
Everything works great when ESP8266 is configured as MODE=2 (only AP) or MODE=3 (AP + STA) but only when STA mode is properly connected to Access Point. When the SSID configured in STA mode isn't available on ether there is a problem with equal receiving data from ESP8266. Arduino sends data every 500 ms but then this data not comes equal on mobile device. E.g data comes: some frames (10 bytes) in about 100 ms, then is break about 2 or more seconds, next comes one frame, again break, and again some frames and around the same situation.
You met with such a problem? Is there any solution?
Please help

Re: ESP8266 UART to TCP socket absolutely transparent bridge

PostPosted: Thu May 21, 2015 1:31 pm
by dacb
dynio wrote:Hi,
I'm new to the forum. For some time I use esp8266 with Beckdac transparent bridge software with my home project.


dynio wrote:Everything works great when ESP8266 is configured as MODE=2 (only AP) or MODE=3 (AP + STA) but only when STA mode is properly connected to Access Point. When the SSID configured in STA mode isn't available on ether there is a problem with equal receiving data from ESP8266. Arduino sends data every 500 ms but then this data not comes equal on mobile device. E.g data comes: some frames (10 bytes) in about 100 ms, then is break about 2 or more seconds, next comes one frame, again break, and again some frames and around the same situation.

Can you clarify: in STA mode, when associated with an AP, everything works fine. In AP only mode, everything works fine. In AP+STA mode when the STA is associated with an AP, everything works fine. However, in AP+STA mode when the STA is unassociated, you experience difficulties?