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By scargill
#6088 Spotted another potential issue.

This was my fault but you could do to put a check in

os_sprintf(mqtt_topic[0], "/%08X/data", sysCfg.device_id); // subscribe topic /chipid/data, example: /A01234567/data
os_sprintf(mqtt_topic[1], "/%08X/ota",sysCfg.device_id); // subscribe topic /chipid/ota, example: /A01234567/ota

I commented out the second subscribe.. YES I know all I did was comment out the initialisation.. I should have actually stopped it calling the function. HOWEVER, it was not until I actually sent a message to the board that this showed up - the board said the message was invalid (I thought it was my message I was sending) - and restarted. It reconnected to the broker but from that point on would not accept any messages. In other words, in restarting, something is different from starting from scratch! If for any reason bad data did get through to a subscribe - the unit would be rendered useless until a power cycle.