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Does esptool.py require an FTDI connection?

PostPosted: Thu Oct 27, 2016 2:19 pm
by mkte
My reading of the documentation implied to me it doesn't, and could be used via a normal RX/TX only UART connection, however, I get "Failed to connect to ESP8266" no matter what I use it for, and am totally new to the device.

The context is that I have the ESP8266 (Sunfounder 8 pin breakout) connected to a headless Raspberry Pi, and I wanted to be able to use the ESP in normal mode on the UART and flash it remotely without rearranging anything. To that end I have CH_PD and GPIO0 connected to GPIOs on the Pi.

When the ESP is reset with GPIO0 high, I can see the boot log with minterm.py -b 74880, then reconnect at 115200 and test AT commands as described on the Sunfounder page. I can also find an AI_THINKER ESSID.

When I set GPIO0 low and reset, nothing happens. I was presuming at this point I should be able to use esptool.py to flash boot, but I get "Failure to connect". I compiled the firmware using the open SDK and toolchain on another machine, but I do not think it is the problem as all esptool.py commands fail the same way, e.g.

Code: Select allesptool.py -p /dev/ttyAMA0 read_mac

And so on. The python serial library obviously works well enough for miniterm.py to using the same port.