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By perseauk
#7394 UPDATE

I finally got it working! I can send AT commands and I get responses every time. Basically all I had to do was connect an external power supply and use a USB->serial converter and it ended up working with no problems. Thank you all for your help, I really appreciate it.
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By blabla9879
perseauk wrote:UPDATE

I finally got it working! I can send AT commands and I get responses every time. Basically all I had to do was connect an external power supply and use a USB->serial converter and it ended up working with no problems. Thank you all for your help, I really appreciate it.

Hi Byperseauk,

I think I'm in the same boat as you at the start of this thread. I got two ESP8266 ES-03s in the mail and after soldering connections to both of them and following online threads, I am STILL not having any luck flashing them :\ The flasher programs I am using are unable to detect or communicate with the ESP8266s. I'm thinking it might be my pinouts, what were yours exactly?
I have:
VCC, CH_PD -> 3.3v power supply
TX -> RX of serial converter
RX -> TX of serial converter (I have a 5v FTDI USB to Serial and had to use a resistor divider to level shift to 3.3v)

If those are pin outs are correct, then maybe the super cheap FTDI I bought on ebay may be the issue -__-

Thanks in advance for your help!
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By MeNoGeek
blabla9879 wrote:VCC, CH_PD -> 3.3v power supply

GPIO15 to Gnd, not GPIO14! And better use a 1 to 10k resistor between CH_PD and Vcc.
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By blabla9879
MeNoGeek wrote:
blabla9879 wrote:VCC, CH_PD -> 3.3v power supply

GPIO15 to Gnd, not GPIO14! And better use a 1 to 10k resistor between CH_PD and Vcc.

Hi MeNoGeek,

Yes, many of the threads I've looked at including on here have been suggesting GPIO15 to GND ( I still have not had any luck so far and I am beginning to suspect the cheap FTDI breakout I bought may not be doing the job..
I've ordered a new FTDI breakout but this time with a CH430 on it. I'll post soon with an update once I get my hands on it.