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By alonewolfx2
#7463 Can we use libmain.a on freertos with libmain.a on esp_iot_094 sdk? Maybe its silly question but i am asking necause i dont know :D I tried and i am giving some error message like this. can I ignore this with makefile ?
Code: Select allc:/Espressif/ESP8266_SDK/lib\libmain2.a(spi_flash.o): In function `spi_flash_get_id':
/home/tzx/0.9.4git/bbs/esp_iot_freertos/app/main/spi_flash.c:412: multiple definition of `spi_flash_get_id'
c:/Espressif/ESP8266_SDK/lib\libmain.a(spi_flash.o):(.text+0x1c): first defined here
c:/Espressif/ESP8266_SDK/lib\libmain2.a(spi_flash.o): In function `spi_flash_erase_sector':
/home/tzx/0.9.4git/bbs/esp_iot_freertos/app/main/spi_flash.c:438: multiple definition of `spi_flash_erase_sector'
c:/Espressif/ESP8266_SDK/lib\libmain.a(spi_flash.o):(.text+0x88): first defined here
c:/Espressif/ESP8266_SDK/lib\libmain2.a(spi_flash.o): In function `spi_flash_write':
/home/tzx/0.9.4git/bbs/esp_iot_freertos/app/main/spi_flash.c:458: multiple definition of `spi_flash_write'
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By boeserfisch
#7678 Hi,

there's a symbol collision on those two libmain.a's, but you could try to remove "spi_flash.o" from one of the libmain.a archives (see 'ar' tool on linux). But since we don't really know whats in there, you might introduce other incompatibilities.