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By falkener
#7772 I'm glad to hear that there's some interest in this sort of thing and that others may find it useful as well!

Thanks for the suggestions everyone, there's definitely some room for improvement in terms of looking at using the full capabilities of the FT230X chip and for exploring alternate reset topologies.

It's quite a busy week for me, but I can put up schematics for people to take a look at if they like later in the week. If there's enough interest, I could probably set up a Tindie store to distribute a few extra copies of the board.

clinkme: The 2mm spacing of the surface mount modules here are pretty easy to solder as long as you make sure you use a decent amount of flux. If you line up the module and use solder a corner without pushing on the module laterally, the flux should let the solder flow easily and you'll be able to tack the module into place. Alternatively, if you're feeling particularly gung-ho you could just hold the module down with a thumb and/or forefinger while you solder the first connection and the rest is smooth sailing.