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ESP-03 Dev Board with USB, LiPo charger, and DHT22

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 2:10 am
by falkener
I thought I'd share this little board I designed to help make working with the ESP-03/04 a little easier.

-An FTDI FT230XQ lets you communicate with the ESP8266 via USB, and power the board. If you want to bypass it, the RX and TX pins have headers and the output of the FTDI's UART is also accessible.
-A MIC5219 3.3V voltage regulator supplies up to 500mA of current, and accepts up to 12V as an input.
-There is a lithium ion battery charging chip (MCP73831) on the board that can charge a LiPo battery connected via the JST connector. It can be charged via USB
and there is an LED indicator to show when the charge cycle is complete. It's hard to see here but the JST jack is recessed and the board itself tapers back so that wires can be tucked underneath the board easily if you want to put battery underneath the board. A 500mAh battery fits underneath quite nicely.
-A DIP switch allows the user to easily boot into PROG mode to change the firmware. If the DIP switches are not in the ON position during power-up, they can be used as general purpose switches.
-An On/Off switch is used to switch power on and off when on battery power.
-All available GPIOs are broken out to a 2.54mm header. They are all jumperable or have connections via zero ohm jumper resistors, so the board can be used as a breakout board or independently.
-There is a 4-pin header for a DHT22/DHT11 temperature and humidity sensor
-Mounting holes are available to place the board in projects.

Re: ESP-03 Dev Board with USB, LiPo charger, and DHT22

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:24 am
by alonewolfx2
How can I buy this? :)

Re: ESP-03 Dev Board with USB, LiPo charger, and DHT22

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:33 am
by reaper7
very nice idea & board

it was be nice to add (as option) place for two smt resistors as voltage divider for measurement lipo, connected to esp8266 adc pin

Re: ESP-03 Dev Board with USB, LiPo charger, and DHT22

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 3:50 am
by Alex_S
Great work!
I have yet another idea to increase convinience of using this board for debugging.
There is a ESPTool for programming which can switch the module to programming mode via RTS/DTR singlas of FT232. So it is not necessary then to switch module to the programming mode manually.
It would be nice to connect these pins to the ESP8266 module via jumpers or zero resistors.
RTS signal should be connected to the GPIO0 pin of the module and DTR pin should be connected to the CH_PD pin of the module.

What do you think?