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Mac address on all my modules is the same b45a24400200

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 6:42 pm
by RogerClark
Can anyone tell me whether they have noticed this, but all my modules appear to report the same mac address of b45a24400200

I have tried this on an ESP01 and an ESP 03

I suspect that perhaps this is some sort of default if its not set in the the config that is cleared using blank.bin

Re: Mac address on all my modules is the same b45a24400200

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:29 pm
by gwizz
hmm, I don't think it's a config thing, at least not at the level that's exposed to the user of the chip, maybe you could do some magic with JTAG boundary scan or something, no, there is something very fishy going on there!

Can you state exactly which variant etc. of the modules you have perhaps with the seller?

Is this mac for the station mode and for the softap mode?

Which command did you run to find out this? with which firmware?

So many questions, :) but really mac's should be globally unique, you have a problem there and I would be surprised if they could work together on the same wifi network!!!

Re: Mac address on all my modules is the same b45a24400200

PostPosted: Mon Jan 19, 2015 7:58 pm
by RogerClark

Thanks for the reply.

I've just double checked my code, and I'm now not sure the function to get the mac address is always being called (due to a coding error on my behalf)

So this looks like it was my mistake.

However I will re-check on my ESP01 ESP03 and ESP12 modules to confirm with my code changes whether its OK.

BTW. I was using the function

bool wifi_get_macaddr(uint8 if_index, uint8 *macaddr);

which is defined in user_interface.h in the esphttpd project. I'm not sure if this is undocumented call i.e as its not using a header from the SDK to get the prototype for this call.

