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By tommybee
#7872 Hi everyone, i got a strange behavior here with my two ESP's.
That's what i did:

I cofigured the first ESP1 as AP with...

....the second ESP2 as a Station with...

As a test i did a connect from my PC to the first ESP1 that is an AP and it works.
Then i did connect from my second ESP2 that is a Station to my Android-Smartphone that is acting as AP and that works too.
So it's confirmed that both devices are working as expected.

But if i try to make a connect from my ESP2 to my ESP1 i always get the following Error:

Send: AT+CWJAP="TESTAP","12345678"<cr><lf>


I tryed everything possible but can't get them connect to each other, what is wrong here?? :shock: :shock:

I use newest Firmware V20 on both devices.
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By tommybee
#7883 Found the cause.
It's the Bug in the FW V20, the SSID has to be exactly 10 Caracters in length otherwise no connect to each other!!! :evil: :evil:

That's why i tend to throw this parts away, hours of try and error for nothing. Bad documentation and error tracking. No fun anymore.
These modules are cheap but also extremly instable in hard and software manner.
Isn't there any repository that states such bugs in one place so anyone can save his worthy time?
Sorry, but i'm very disappointed...... :(