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By Fladdie
#32174 Hi ledfreak3d,

it seems that Frans-Willems Firmware actually fits our demands.

Have you ever tried his firmware?

A dream woud be a web interface where you can change the Ip address, the output protocol (WS2801, WS2812, ...) and the input protocol (tmp2net, artnet, ....)
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By ledfreak3d
#32175 yes I know his work however ive been unable to compile his fw successfully

Fladdie wrote:Hi ledfreak3d,

it seems that Frans-Willems Firmware actually fits our demands.

Have you ever tried his firmware?

A dream woud be a web interface where you can change the Ip address, the output protocol (WS2801, WS2812, ...) and the input protocol (tmp2net, artnet, ....)