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By disonance
#8923 Hi guys,

I'm using the ESP8266 as a WiFi "modem" and my main processor is a stm M3 arm based chip that communicates to the ESP via usart.

AT+CIPSEND only handles characters, which would be useful for maybe a simple html. However, if i'm looking to setup a webserver, I probably need to send HTML and pictures thru a binary based transfer.

Does anyone know how this can be done ?

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By Aonko
#8958 Most people here run the web server directly from the esp8266 module.

Most transparent uart bridges I have seen don't support binary transfer. I guess it would be possible to encode it with base64 something like convert to base64 and then convert from base64, but it would be hard and more importantly it would waste too many resources. Maybe someone more knowledgable than me will chime in here.
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By disonance
Aonko wrote:Most people here run the web server directly from the esp8266 module.

Most transparent uart bridges I have seen don't support binary transfer. I guess it would be possible to encode it with base64 something like convert to base64 and then convert from base64, but it would be hard and more importantly it would waste too many resources. Maybe someone more knowledgable than me will chime in here.

Thanks for the info AonKo , I was really hope to be able to keep the esp8266 as a WiFI "bridge" and send maybe html files and associated pictures from the M3.

Webserver directly from the ESP8266 will probably work as well.