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By Atlantis
#9224 Generally I use Ethernet controllers in my designs, but recently I became interested in ESP8266. There are situations, when using a wired communication is very uncomfortable solution. So I ordered few ESP8266-01 modules and currently I am testing one of them. Unfortunately I came across a stability issue. Module left on power "hangs" himself every few days. It does not respond to AT commands and pings. It simply ceases sending or receiving anything. Only solution is to perform hardware reset, by connecting RST pin with ground.

Is it a hardware or software issue? Maybe newer, shielded versions of this module (ESP8266-12 for example) are free of this problem? Or maybe this is a firmware bug and it will get better in time?

For now it is a little bit problematic, and stops me from using this modules in devices, that shall be left powered on for long periods of time.
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By villTech
#9225 it could be just your set up issue.
my oldest esp-03 is running more than 3mos now, 24/7. no issue.
and i have about 15 units running for a month now inside our semicon machines.
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By Atlantis
#9226 May I ask what firmware version You use?
What is your approach: AT commands from external MCU or your own code flashed into ESP8266 memory?