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I cannot erase my access point wifi settings (esptool.py)

PostPosted: Tue Mar 20, 2018 4:36 am
by axpiri
Hello everybody.

This is my presentation to the forum as a user. It's been a long time that I've been a regular reader and today I decided to write cause I am facing a problem that I cannot solve.

This a short introduction to my problem:

a) I made a access point in my NodeMCU for controling a Light. The name of the access point wifi signal was ("TRAKTO").

b) Since that day, no matter what sketch I upload to the Nodemcu (even "Blink"), the access point shows up in the background.

C) I have already uploded another access point sketch and the new configuration always shows from that moment on.

d) I have installed esptool.py and deleted the flash memory and and a new "ESP_068560" wifi access point shows up.

e) Even when all the other sketches that I upload to the NodeMCU work ok when it comes to upload a sketch that has to connect to a router (for example) it does not work!

f) I get a new NodeMCU and the is no access point when I connect it to the PC and run blink on it. And this NodeMCU mine always builds a access point even after erased the flash memory.

Any idea what is happening? Any possible solution that I could try?

Thank you very much!!!!