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Having a problem with micropython on 16Mb flash

PostPosted: Thu Jun 21, 2018 8:14 am
by IlyaM
I'm trying to run micropython on my esp8266, I had 1Mb of flash and replaced it with 16Mb (w25q128). I was trying to upload firmware (my custom build or stable version from micropython's site) with esptool and pyflasher. I got no errors and the validation passed correctly, but when I launch serial terminal I see unreadable characters. Also I tried to change baud rate, undortunately it ddidn't solve my problem. REPL also haven't started. What could it be?

I have read many topics how to install micropython on 16 Mb and followed the instruction, but it also didn't help.

Re: Having a problem with micropython on 16Mb flash

PostPosted: Mon Jul 09, 2018 11:01 am
by MikeHQ
It sounds like something non-trivial. You can try to contact some guys from https://squadex.com , they are specialized in complex solutions, so for sure, they will be able to help with this. Nowadays it's not that easy to find a good specialist in this field...