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ESP12 and ESP12S deepSleep() problem

PostPosted: Wed Jul 11, 2018 12:35 am
by matchman156
Hi all!
Recently I am new at ESP8266 and bought two variation which are ESP12 and ESP12S.
I use the deepSleep function sleep for 10mins and it works. [ deepSleep(600*1000000); ]
However, it wont works when I try for 1 hour. [ deepSleep(3600*1000000); ]
I have already added 330Ohms between RST and GPIO16 and added the instruction delay(500) after deepSleep().
I also tried to probe the RST pin to monitor is there any RESET pull down occur and I see nothing if I sleep for one hour. I see a pull down if I sleep for 10mins.

Hope someone can help. This issue already annoyed me for 1week.

Re: ESP12 and ESP12S deepSleep() problem

PostPosted: Sat Jul 14, 2018 6:07 am
by schufti
if you look at the 10min and 1h value, you'll see that 10min is in the positive range of an 32bit integer, the 1h value in the "negative" range, so maybe it would help trying to typecast the value as unsigned long
like 3600000000ul or better look up the requested type in your version of esp.h, for me it is
void deepSleep(uint64_t time_us, RFMode mode = RF_DEFAULT);